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Vitamin Supplements Can Help Erase Breast Cancer Risk

Smart about Health
April 19, 2010


Boston (SmartAboutHealth) - According to a new study, taking vitamin supplements can help you greatly reduce and even erase your overall risk of developing breast cancer.

The study was headed up by Jaime Matta of the Ponce School of Medicine in Puerto Rico, along with a team of well-known researchers.

The study was conducted by focusing on two groups of women, a control group, and a group who had developed breast cancer.

There were 268 women who took part in the study with breast cancer, and 457 women who were considered to be in the healthy group.

The idea behind the study was to see what type of impact taking vitamins had on the overall risk of breast cancer.

What was discovered was that women who took vitamin supplements, a multi-vitamin each day, can reduce their risk of breast cancer by 30%.

On top of that, taking calcium supplements was found to reduce the risk of developing the disease by 40%.

These findings go against previous studies, some stating that vitamins can actually increase breast cancer risk.

Researchers are seeing this as too small of a study, but it will certainly open the door to more research.

The study was presented at the American Association for Cancer Research's meeting in Washington, D.C.