October 8, 2010
By Jeffrey Dach

Left image: IV Bag with Vitamin C, Courtesy of wikimedia Commons.
Vitamin C Saves Life of Man Dying of Viral Pneumonia,
The Allan Smith Story, a TV Documentary from New Zealand
by Jeffrey Dach MD, For Original Article: Click Here
Allan Smith, a New Zealand Dairy farmer, contracted Swine Flu while away on vacation in Fiji. When he returned home, the flu quickly evolved into severe pneumonia which left him in a coma on Life Support in the Intensive Care Unit. Chest Xrays showed the lungs were completely filled with fluid with an "opaque" appearance called "white out". After three weeks of this, Allan's doctors asked the family permission to turn off the machines and let him die. Allan's wife Sonia had a brother with some medical knowledge, so he stepped in and said, "you haven't tried everything, You have got to try high dose IV vitamin C on Allan". At first, the doctors resisted, saying it was useless. Next, the three sons weighed in with a persuasive argument to try the IV vitamin C, saying there was nothing to lose.
Doctors Agree to Try IV Vitamin C
The Doctors were in unanimous agreement that IV Vitamin C would be useless and a waste of time, and that the patient will certainly die. However, one doctor "felt slightly uneasy" with the decision to turn off life support, without first acceding to the family's wishes, and so they reluctantly agreed to give the IV Vitamin C. Their plan was to give the IV Vitamin C, show it was useless, and then turn off life support.
Dramatic Recovery
That day, Allan Smith was given 25 grams of IV Vitamin C in the evening and another 25 grams in the morning. The next day, a CAT scan of the lungs showed improving air flow and a few days later the Chest Xrays showed the lungs were no longer white, indicating air movement. The improvement was dramatic, clear and plain for all to see. However, the doctors denied it was the Vitamin C, and instead, attributed the improvement to "turning patient into a prone position".
Left upper image: Vitamin C molecule chemical structure, Courtesy of wikimedia Commons.
Another Battle For Vitamin C
Soon after starting the IV vitamin C, Alan could be taken off ECMO life support, and started breathing on his own. However, unexpectedly, a different physician consultant came in, took over the case and stopped the IV vitamin C. Alan Smith's condition promptly deteriorated. Allan's wife, Sonia, called a meeting with this new doctor to no avail. The new doctor rolled his eyes, looked up at the ceiling and uttered, "No More Vitamin C ". Not giving up so easily, the three brothers again weighed in, and demanding the IV vitamin C for dad. The three brothers again used their powers of "persuasion", and the new doctors reluctantly gave in, restarting the life saving IV vitamin C, but only at low doses of one gram a day. The brothers said, "Mucking about with the Vitamin C showed in his fathers health". "You had to be thick not to see it."
Oral Lyposperic Vitamin C
Allan's condition continued to improve and was eventually transferred to a hospital closer to home, still breathing with ventilator assistance. Here, the family had yet another battle with a new doctor who again stopped the IV Vitamin C. This time. the family brought in a lawyer who sent a warning letter to the hospital threatening legal action. The hospital was forced to restart the vitamin C, however, allowing only low dosage. Finally, Allan Smith was able to sit up in bed and take oral liquids. On their own, the family gave dad 6 grams a day of oral vitamin C. This was a highly absorbable form called Lypo-spheric C from LivOn Labs . Allan continued to improve and was discharged home from the hospital. At home, Allan's neighbor John joked with him, and said, "Allan, you owe me the 15 dollars I paid to have my suit dry cleaned for your funeral, and you bum, you came back." They laughed together at the joke.
Click Here to watch 60 Minutes New Zealand TV - the Alan Smith Story, recovery from terminal viral pneumonia with high dose IV Vitamin C.
Click Here to Watch Part Two of Documentary- Denying the Obvious
Interviewed in part two was the Principle Advisor to the Health Ministry and Senior Intensive Care Specialist, David Galler who denied that the intravenous Vitamin C was a contributing factor in the Allan Smith's recovery. He proclaimed that the recovery could have been just as likely from a "bus driving by" as the high dose Vitamin C . When asked what he would need as proof to that Vitamin C is effective, he replied he would need a randomized controlled trial, such as those for new drug approval funded by a pharmaceutical company.
Three Randomized Placebo Controlled Studies
Apparently Dr Galler is unaware of three double blind placebo controlled studies of IV Vitamin C in critically ill patients in the ICU. These studies were published in Dr. Galler's own peer reviewed specialty medical literature. (1-5)
These three studies showed reduced mortality and reduced time on ventilators for septic and critically ill patients in the ICU setting. In addition, numerous other studies have measured blood vitamin C levels in critically ill patients in the hospital showing Vitamin C is typically depleted with levels below 25 % of healthy individuals.( Nathens et al)
(6-11) As Dr Levy points out in Part Four of the Series (see below), there are thousands of studies over 70 years in the medical literature showing effectiveness, and safety of Vitamin C for viral illness. Dr Levy's book cites 1200 such articles supporting the use of Vitamin C.
Denying the Blatantly Obvious
Dr Galler appeared on New Zealand television claiming to be an authority and medical expert in the care of the ICU critically ill patient. To then make statements amounting to a public admission of ignorance of his own specialty literature is a profound embarrassment to him and to the Ministry of Health that appointed him Advisor. For Allan Smith's ICU doctors to witness a patient's dramatic recovery from sure death, and then deny the effectiveness of the treatment is astounding display of denying the obvious, and an embarrassment to the medical system in New Zealand. This is tantamount to holding up a hand in front of a person's face who then steadfastly denies a hand is in front of his face. It can also be compared to the ridiculous scenario of "denying" that parachutes are lifesaving, and insisting on "proof" by requiring a placebo controlled study. Two men jump out of a plane, one with a parachute and one without a parachute, to "prove" parachutes are effective.
To Watch Part Three of Documentary, Click Here - Dr Levy to the Rescue
This is a Video interview of Dr Thomas Levy on New Zealand TV - Campbell Live Show. Dr Levy says he was not surprised at the dramatic recovery of Allan Smith from terminal Swine Flu Pneumonia, and he says there is no doubt the Vitamin C was the treatment that saved Allan Smith's life. Dr Levy sees these types of results regularly from IV Vitamin C and he expects them, just like any well trained doctor would expect prompt recovery from bacterial pneumonia with IV antibiotics.
Transcript of Interview Part Three Dr Levy:
TV Journalist to Dr Levy: Why do you believe in Vitamin C?
Dr Levy: This is not a belief like its a religion. Data has accumulated over the past 75 years.
Studies are published at Harvard and New England Journal. Its amazing that a result is published in a journal and still doesn't make its way into practice
Experts say we don't see the proof this is efficacious.
Vitamin C by injection is a registered medicine for treatment of vitamin C deficiency in Zealand.
Vitamin C is registered for IV injection.
Where is the evidence it is the kind of cure you say it is?
I wrote a book , Curing the Incurable with 1200 references in the medical literature over the past 85 years , Vitamin C is enormously effective in eradicating infection and toxins.
Experts say we cannot recommend it. We can find no evidence? Why is this?
I would have to know the motivation because this information is readily available. It's not information that is hidden, it's readily available. I would suggest they are closed minded.
I know for a fact by personally using Vitamin C and giving it to my patients and discussions with hundreds of other doctors. What you saw that happened to Allan Smith happens on a regular basis.
How do you know it was vitamin C? Are you singing for your supper? You passionately believe this works.
I passionately know it works. This is not something I have any uncertainly about. If someone treats a dozen patients with pneumococcal pneumonia and they recover, it is the same thing. I've seen and done the same thing with Vitamin C.
For References: See original article Here
Financial disclosure: the author has no financial ties and receives no funding from any Vitamin C manufacturing company or product mentioned in this article.
Disclaimer click here: www.drdach.com/wst_page20.html
The reader is advised to discuss the comments on these pages with his/her personal physicians and to only act upon the advice of his/her personal physician. Also note that concerning an answer which appears as an electronically posted question, I am NOT creating a physician -- patient relationship. Although identities will remain confidential as much as possible, as I can not control the media, I can not take responsibility for any breaches of confidentiality that may occur.
fire your doctors.